Friday, November 14, 2008

Lama- Sincere thanks to all

Lama has conveyed his sincere thanks to all.

"My Thanks to one and all for the kind gesture and support by means of prayers and supporting words. Kindly accept my sincere reply to all of you. Special thanks and love to : Dadu Bhai, Dadan, Thamma, Didan, Bopee & Bopeso, Chopee & Chopeso, Rimpo Masi, Rimpo Mesho (i know it since end of January'08), Babai Mama, Indrani Masi, Dustu Dadu, Dida and Mama, Choto Dadu, Dida & Mama, Choto Nana Dadu" etc.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Lama, u r choooooo chweeeeeet & cute.

Hold that smile 4ever & ever.


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